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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 0:00:10 GMT
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Over the course of weeks, Rocket's reveal has spread throughout Hoenn like an uneasy tide. Whispers of Kanto's prosperity are undercut by doubt and fear. Some have confidence in the League's ability to combat their phantom foe, while others nurture the seeds of doubt that Declan's message have planted.

And in a quiet subdivision of Slateport's outskirts, a local gang hides behind the Rocket name.

Deal with them. Gavin's instructions are left with no room for doubt. Harmless though their petty crime may have been to Rocket's operations, their affect on the public's perception of the supposedly reformed organization cannot be allowed to stand.

Still operating under the ruse of a simple recruiter, Gavin summons to a Rocket safehouse overlooking the seedy district in which the gang staked their claim. She would find the door to the fifth-floor apartment unlocked, and if opened it would reveal the now-blond 'recruiter' staring pensively out of the large window to a parking lot below. The room is dark, with its only light coming from the moon outside and the cherry of Gavin's cigarette burning against the backdrop of a sleeping city.

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POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 2:32:32 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]All she gets is a place and a time. It would be weirder for Plank if it weren't so familiar. That is, after all, all that she got when she attempted to join the organization.

Unsure what to expect, Plank gets herself together in what she hopes is a good general sense. What that means is she get herself together much the same way she does every day. Basketball shorts for easy movement, a hoodie for comfort and cover, and a handful of pokemon with various purposes.

A little before sundown she hops in The Vagabond and makes silently for Slateport. Slips into the rundown streets of its poorer district; the poverty-ridden ghost town where every other building is little but a hollow shell.

As she dashes through alleyways and scans buildings for their addresses Plank can't help but wonder if it's on purpose -- this mysterious ambience.

It's almost cliche spooky, something she'd laugh at in any situation but this one. The man who's summoned her doesn't strike her as a jokester.

Doesn't stop her from making one when she arrives, though.

"Forgot t' pay the electric?" she asks innocently, scanning the moonlit room wall to wall before settling on the familiar face of the recruiter. Familiar face, not so familiar hair.

"Ya look better blond," she says without thinking.

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POSTED ON Feb 26, 2021 0:38:39 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin huffs, the almost-laugh expelling smoke from his nostrils. Blond is, after all, his natural hair colour. He glances over his shoulder at , then returns his now-amber gaze to the dingy parking lot below.

"A well-lit window may draw the eye, however unintentionally. I'm looking to avoid that."

Without turning to face her, he beckons her over to the window. The men below continue their illicit exchange, ignorant to the watchful gaze of the Rocket duo. Tension can be glimpsed from a distance, one of the silhouettes encroaching upon the personal space of another. Gavin may not be able to hear the spoken threat, but the thought that these low-life thugs had capitalized on Rocket's name — even if they weren't doing so now — made the underbosses blood boil.

"We're going to teach them a lesson." He springs it on her, because it is important that she be able to adapt to any situation. He has sunk his claws into this one, young as she was, and he would mold her to Rocket as they had once done for him. "You know what that means, I assume."
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POSTED ON Feb 27, 2021 6:35:38 GMT
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[attr="class","spiral"]The little puff of smoke, the short huff that accompanies it, it's not amusement (at least as far as Plank can tell) but it's not irritation. It's not cold. She'll take it.

Considering her joke a success she relaxes a little while striding deeper into the dim, gloomy apartment.

"Yeah, guess that makes sense," she agrees, "Wish it didn't make everythin' feel so damn dramatic, though."

There's a slight spring to Plank's step. The last mission she'd had with the recruiter went . . . well? It felt routine, nothing to write home about, but surely that's worth something from a rookie? To perform without creating the need for complaint.

And their little talk at the end. It seemed friendly enough. In the recruiter's own way; or at least what she thought the recruiter's way was from their short interactions.

These thoughts override the more important tasks for her brain. Like listening and reading the room and generally the smart things to do when walking into a blind assignment. Maybe it wouldn't have helped, though. Paying attention. It feels like the instructions for the evening come out of nowhere.

"Uh, a lesson?" she echoes like an idiot, "I . . . I think I do?"

The kind of thing that kept her dad's lips shut tight after his arrest. The reason that creep at the docks could only make passing comments. An important, serious thing.

Not something she's sure she wants a hand in nonetheless.

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the Harbinger
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2021 7:54:59 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
He can see her reflection in the window, the bounce to her step that suggests the girl is at ease. Something shifts when he speaks of the mission ahead, and Gavin does not miss it.

His father's voice echoes through his thoughts. You don't think; you obey.

But Gavin is not his father.

"Do you?" he challenges, his soft voice managing to sound loud in the quiet. He shifts away from the window to look in the eye. "Walk me through it, then. How do you think Rocket deals with degenerates?"
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2021 8:18:05 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]"I mean," her voice catches on her apprehension. Of course she fucking knows, but does she have to get into it?

Does he have to call them degenerates? Sure, Plank can imagine anyone not worthy of being called a Rocket of all things is probably up to some shit, but just the other day they were . . . and the recruiter almost . . . if she wasn't there the Slowpoke would have . . .

Precious seconds tick by as she procrastinates with inner monologue. She can tell, even through the haze of her own thoughts, that the man is only so patient. The memory of the Slowpoke is topical. Reminds her of the consequence of being silent and fidgeting for too long.

"It's nothin' nice," she says suddenly, "I mean, no shit it's nothin' nice, right? But . . . I mean it's gotta be enough for thugs t' get the picture and veterans t' fuck off so I mean."

I mean, I mean, I mean, every time she pivots away from the point she stalls like a scratched record.

"Probably, I don't know, violent," she mumbles.

She's looking at the ground by now, kicking at the dusty floorboards.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2021 8:30:18 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
She stutters, stammers, stumbles through her words, and throughout it all, Gavin regards her with eyes of cold amber that give no quarter. is right to assume his limited patience, though he does not seem to mind when she fails to find the proper words.

"It doesn't have to be," he says, yet the but is present before he opens his mouth. "But these fools rarely learn a lesson from words of warning, and they've already been warned."

That had been grunt work that Gavin had no part in; they'd shot the messenger, quite literally, and now it was time to face the consequences of their rash decision.

He blinks, stares, expects. "Is that a problem?"
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2021 8:40:12 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]"Yeah, the time honored tradition of 'one strike you're out'." Plank mumbles to the floorboards. Oh yeah that makes it better. They've been warned.

Despite herself Plank can't help but shoot the recruiter an unimpressed look at his question. Her eyebrows knit together and her eyes squinting, nose wrinkled, mouth a thin line. Is that a problem? Has he seen her over the last thirty seconds?

But then again, he's not asking after her comfort. About whether she's okay with what they're doing or if she can say it out loud without taking the long way 'round. He's asking if she can do it. If she can do this.

"I . . "

'Guess I don't have much choice.'

'Don't know why ya bothered askin'.'

'Would rather not, if we're bein' honest.'

"Fuckin' . . . no, not a problem," she bites out, hates herself immediately for it. Wonders if backing out really would have been that bad. But too late now. Her mouth has already sealed the deal.

Well, maybe the recruiter will like the answer at least.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2021 8:54:10 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Old Rocket wouldn't have given the choice. Old Rocket had thrown their grunts into the fire and kept around those who avoided being burnt. Weak links were removed from the chain, often forcibly, and the dreaded machine churned onward.

Gavin is a delicate balance between tradition and change, years of conditioning yet to be fully overridden by a new directive. He asks, but he does not insist. Had thought to be honest, perhaps she'd have avoided the trauma of such violence. She tells him it's not a problem, and what he hears is this: She will not admit weakness.

If no line was drawn, Rocket would take and take until there was nothing left. He considers her for a long moment.

"Let's go, then." He moves abruptly toward the door, adding, "Are your Pokémon trained to fight?"

She's hardly going to be capable of roughing them up herself, he thinks. Their footsteps echo in the empty stairwell of the building as they descend toward the street.
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2021 9:03:47 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Okay, so they're doing this. That sucks. It's not some special kind of bad though. Very few things in her life get the privilege of being a special kind of bad. She can do this. Not the first time she's been pushed into a job she can't handle.

"Yeah, let's go or whatever," Plank mumbles. Her hands pick at the outsides of her pockets as they walk towards the door. Her eyes are carefully trained on the man's back. Not so much because she cares to look at it but because it's there and if she just focuses . . .

Yeah, she can already feel things kind of fuzzing around the edges.

"Mhmm," she replies, a hum in the back of her throat, "My crew's full of fighters."

Hasn't tried them against people, but if she uses the wilder ones . . . or maybe Jack and Mama.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2021 9:15:59 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
There's a shadowed contempt in the look he throws over his shoulder when they reach the bottom of the stairs, assessing the teen for any sign she was looking to back out.

It will not be too late until they've reached their quarry.

"Outside of Rocket, most won't use their Pokémon against humans." Such was their advantage. The League occasionally played dirty in response; war had brought out the worst in the well-intentioned. These thugs were neither. "They're likely armed, but so am I. If you're not prepared to defend yourself, then stay behind me."

He curls his fingers around a pokeball, releasing a Lucario into the dingy apartment hall and ignoring a pang of sorrow in his gut.
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2021 9:40:55 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]"Mmm, yeah," she agrees casually, focusing on breathing as she turns from picking at her pockets to rifling through them. Most of her pokeballs she knows by feel. How worn the surfaces are, where the wearing is. She finds what she's looking for and brings her left hand out palming a net ball.

"Pop would turn 'em on people, too. Not often, just when it was needed," she offers up absentmindedly as she rolls the pokeball in her hand, "Figure technically that was Rocket work too, though."

Following the recruiter's lead she tosses her net ball towards the ground. It releases Hull, her Golisopod, in a flash of light before bouncing back to her hand.

"Figure he'll cover for me alright," she replies, giving the already antsy-looking pokemon a pat on the shell.

Plank doesn't notice the looks the man is giving her all the while. At this point she probably wouldn't care if she did. It's time for work, and you don't think while you're on the clock.

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the Harbinger
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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2021 15:58:42 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
He drinks in elements of her past, committing them to memory. Her father continues to remind him of his own. The elder Quinn would have made an excellent Rocket.

"Ah, yes. An excellent choice," says Gavin of Golisopod, looking the hulking creature up and down. A distant tug of remorse in his gut. "Had one of my own, once."

He doesn't elaborate.

Gavin shoves open the door, which protests with its rusting hinges and scrapes against concrete. Lucario prowls out in front, every bit the guard dog it had been trained as. It lacked the innate connection with Gavin that his partner Lucario had, but its ability to sense aura remained useful.

They approach from behind, raised voices coming into clarity as they draw close. The thugs seem young, but still older than . The man they were accosting is older than Gavin, dark hair threaded with gray — he shies away from the duo and mumbles something Gavin doesn't catch. Though Gavin appears at ease in his approach, he's astutely aware of the gun at his hip and the weight of a beast ball on the other.

Gavin signals Lucario, and the canine howls, long and low. Their quarry whirl about in alarm, and Gavin makes a sharp gesture with his chin to tell the older man to go; he doesn't need to be told twice.

"Fuck's your problem?" The older of the two demands, drawing himself up and puffing out his chest in an attempt at intimidation. "This is Rocket territory, now, so why don't you piss off?"

Gavin's laughter holds no joy nor humour. "So we've heard."

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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2021 7:56:08 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]In the moment they stand idle Plank stares at nowhere in particular, the space in front of her toes. She's content to stay that way but he's talking at her. She can't just leave him hanging, that's trouble. On reflex she throws out some reply from memory.

"Yeah, he's a bit slow; but he's tough 'n' hits like a truck," she replies. Pats Hull's shell again for good measure. The Golisopod looks down at her curiously. This isn't how he's used to his trainer acting. Being just a pokemon though, there's not much he can do beyond shuffle a little closer to her.

Plank strolls along behind the recruiter without much in the way of purpose. Her eyes skate around the space on auto-pilot, her legs move with the same kind of obligated stride. The space between her and the older man doesn't decrease or widen. It's occupied mostly by Hull who seems just as set to separate Plank from the recruiter as the thugs.

The presence of others is noted passively. The words they're saying slide off of her like water on a Ducklett's back. It doesn't matter, does it? They're not here to talk. That's what the recruiter said.

"Make a good FIRST IMPRESSION, won't ya Hull?" she says absentmindedly, gives the pokemon another pat, "Let 'em know we mean business, yeah?"

The Golisopod has never needed encouragement to pick a fight. Still more wild than not, he hasn't learned to be apprehensive in the face of people either. He rushes forward as soon as he's got permission from Plank and lashes out with a claw.

His FIRST IMPRESSION is thrown out with killing intent. A swing at the older man accosting Gavin -- aimed to break a few ribs at least. Cave in his chest at worst.

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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2021 12:42:50 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin is prepared to handle the worst of it himself. She'll need to learn to accept cruelty and violence if she runs with Rocket, but just as he'd always had a soft spot for Priam and Jayden, 's youth comes into consideration. He won't ask her to kill, not yet.

Apparently, he doesn't have to.

Golisopod's vicious first impressions catch even the seasoned Rocket off guard, though there's little to show for it in his expression. The man who'd been struck crumples like a ragdoll, emitting a broken moan of agony as he curls into a fetal position and clutches at his sides. The sickening crunch-snap of bone had been unmistakable. He was as good as dead without urgent medical attention — attention that, this far into the outskirts, he wasn't going to get. Beside the injured man, his friend stands with jaw agape.

Though that man's next reflex is to go for his gun, Gavin's Lucario is faster — it detects ill intent and lunges forward, knocking the gun from the youth's grip as it's fired. The crack of gunfire is painful to the ears, but the shot glances harmlessly off a nearby concrete building. It had been aimed, Gavin had realised, at Plank. Any sympathy he might have had for the terrified thug sours.

He pulls his gun, and silences the suffering of the collapsed man.

"Consider this your final warning." His words emerge flat and cold, a colder gaze settling on the survivor. "Breathe another word about Rocket, and there won't be a third."
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